Air Martynas!
Sorry folks, a bit short on time today, but after a perfect 6-0 showing in the official BallinEurope 2010 FIBA World Championship Fearless Predictions™, how could BiE leave you hanging?
With two excellent games going down yesterday (Sheesh, who knew a team that gave up 75 points to Jordan could defend?) in the Slovenia-Croatia sharpshooting bonanza and the USA-Brazil thriller that surely had American fans at least slightly nervous throughout – and all this, as they say, without Anderson Varejao.
Tonight’s two could-be-classics were meanly scheduled by FIBA to go down at the same time: At 8pm CET (2pm EST), Euroball fans get to choose between Spain-Lithuania and Greece-Turkey – BiE’s set to click back and forth, lemme tell ya.
Despite the brilliance of tournament revelation Martynas Pocius for Team Lithuania, BiE believes Spain is still playing as though “fighting for its life” and that’s an ornery beast to be desperate – particularly with Robertas Javtokas reportedly to sit out tonight’s game. Spain over Lithuania by 10.
Meanwhile, full-strength Greece takes on home team Turkey for the lead in Group C. BiE’s betting that the free day plus those extra days off for Sofoklis Schortsanitis and Antonis Fotsis work in Hellas’ favor: Greece over Turkey.
Aaaand in the other matches, BiE’s saying Russia over Cote d’Ivoire, France nips Canada, Puerto Rico beats China to stay alive in Group C, and New Zealand juuuust beats Lebanon in the night’s highest-scoring game. (Who else can’t wait to see the Kirk Penney-Fadi El Khatib scoring battle?)