Vocalist, Valencia fan hymn
BiE’s said it before and BiE’ll say it again: American sports fans are really missing out with the whole fan anthem thing…
Over on Facebook, the Euroleague official page has gifted its listeners with a pair of fight songs for the squads. Musical homages to Brose Baskets Bamberg and Valencia – believe it or not, the latter is not a commercial jingle for “Power Electronics” – are now available online, so get ready to sing along!
The “Brose Baskets Fanhymne” is a metalled-up tune performed by (possibly also written and arranged by) Harald Maag. At times sounding like an extrapolation of Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” the song is performed in 2½ languages, with the refrain in English, most song lyrics in German plus that odd German-English pidgin that always results when talking about basketball (“Kevin Durant habe gedunkt! Unglaublich! Das war Jordanesque!”).
Internet searches aren’t turning up too much on Maag, so we can assume he’s not quite at David Hasselhof levels of fame; he has also performed a swell song about Bamberg for the local tourist board as well.
Below check out a 2009 live performance – not to mentioned the bemused and/or baffled looks on the faces of players in attendance within – of the Brose Baskets Fanhymne from last year. Now everybody, sing along! “Brose Baskets Bamberg / Now and forever / Brose Baskets / Never walk alone!”
As for the Valencia tune … if BiE described this as an amalgamation of opera tenor lyricism and Gary Numanesque musical arrangement, would you still listen? The PEV fan anthem is actually surprisingly addictive and seriously grandiose while at the same time maintaining undeniable cheesiness charm. Seriously, BiE is *this* close to downloading it to the MP3 player.
Incidentally, if anyone can provide lyrics for either anthem, BallinEurope would be eternally grateful…